While America and the world tried to grapple with the reality of the Heaven's Gate cult suicide, one thing was overlooked: They were right. When the cultists found themselves aboard the alien space ship, they saw themselves and the aliens as humans, which was the only way they could comprehend their new existance. Reports about the suicide indicated that the cultists clutched money in their hands. No one could offer an explanation. But the reason was simple. In their new form of existance, the cultists found that they still clutched the money in their hands. They eagerly pressed it into the hands of the aliens. The aliens responded. "We don't take alien money! Do you know what will happen to me if the IRS (Intergalactic Revenue Service) finds out I have unreported income? And what about the IINS (Intergalactic Immigration and Naturalization Service) when they find you guys stuffed in the trunk at the Tijuana border station?"