Useful Stuff for PalmOS Devices

Here is a collection of links that may be useful to users of PalmOS based devices. If you find it useful, you obviously have too much free time.

Palm Development Info

The Palm OS Development Resources page is probably the best place to start. It has links to quite a bit of useful development info. If you run UNIX or don't mind CLI tools in Windows, you might like to take a look at GCC Development Tools for PalmOS. If you don't mind spending money for development tools and use Windows or MacOS, Metroworks makes CodeWarrior for PalmOS. I haven't had a chance to use this myself, but I'm planning to RSN. There are even free classes at

Useful Software Sites

The best place to search for software is Palm Gear H.Q., which is huge and a headache to browse, but has a ton of programs. Most of the software there is shareware.

A HUGE supply of texts is available at MemoWare. They've got books, references, and helps on makeing DOC files for your Palm. Check it out.

Must Haves

Launcher X: A fabulous replacement for the built in application launcher.

AvantGo: Easy program that lets you save selected web content for offline and wireless reading!

Plucker: Very flexible program for viewing HTML content. Can synchronize pages similar to AvantGo. I think I like this better than AvantGo.

CSpotRun: A common doc file reader. Free. Fairly basic feature set.

Weasel Reader: Newer free doc and zTXT reader. zTXT is smaller than doc. Can also read off external memory and seems like a good replacement for CSpotRun.

UNIX Tools

J-Pilot: A Palm desktopish program for UNIX.

Solaris PDASync: HotSync for Solaris.

Stuff A SysAdmin Would Like

Strip: Keep an encrypted list of the passwords you need to track. Excellent program. Has features for synchronizing password lists between PDAs.

Has features for synchronizing password lists between PDAs. IP Subnet'r: Handy tool for calculating various values related to IP subnetting.

BEFH: Bastard Excuse From Hell

Random Pieces of Software

Showtimes: Lets you keep movie showtime information from Yahoo!

BSBingo: The perfect corporate productivity tool for staying conscious during meetings you'd otherwise sleep through. (You may also know it as Buzzword Bingo.)

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